Reiki Training 101
Michel Barta, Peace Bridge ReikiReiki for Stress Reduction
I’d like to share about Reiki Training, my approach to Reiki and how I teach Reiki. I’ve included answers to some questions I’ve received about Reiki training with me. The world needs more Reiki practitioners now more than ever. It can feel overwhelming to explore the many different options available, teachers and approaches. I hope this information is helpful, offers more food for thought and if you have any questions or would like to connect to talk more, I welcome your call. ~ Michel
Everyone has the ability to learn Reiki and receive a Reiki attunement. The reason for receiving training is unique and personal. One of the many reasons I love Reiki is because of its flexibility to meet us where we are on our life journey. It supports us in achieving our goals, whether they be related to health, personal, spiritual, professional needs or some combination of these.
All living things require – and have – lifeforce energy. At its most basic level, Reiki is a technique which reconnects us with our lifeforce energy. Whether we are conscious of it or not, energy is always moving through us. In a Reiki session, what clients notice most is how deeply relaxed they feel. I like to describe that what is happening “behind the scenes” is that their brain is tuning out allowing for their body, mind and spirit to naturally heal. When we are sick or in the hospital recovering from surgery, our body needs rest. I think we can all agree that with the current stressors occurring on the planet at the moment, more rest and downtime are necessary to feel our optimal best.
When energy is blocked, we experience dissatisfaction, worry and stress within ourselves and with others. These could be referred to as low vibrational emotions or energy, which results in illness in the body. Reiki opens us up to be a more authentic, empowered version of who we are truly meant to be. As a result we feel light, happy, hopeful, loving, optimistic. We feel at peace. These are high vibrational emotions or energy which results in feeling physically and mentally vibrant. Our capacity for love and compassion grows. Our state of being can positively influence others and our enviroment to feel higher vibration.
Learning Reiki empowers the practitioner with an effective and practical approach to heal and experience an ongoing state of feeling peaceful. Whether choosing to share Reiki with others or not. By ‘practitioner’, I mean anyone who has completed Reiki Level One, Level Two or Master/Teacher Level training, meaning that they also have received attunements from a Reiki Master Teacher. It can’t go without saying that Reiki is a practice which is ongoing and never a final destination because we’ll always be growing and evolving human beings in our life journeys. The great news is that Reiki grows along with us as we need it, our practice continually deepens no matter what level of training.
There is beautiful structure for our Reiki practice such as hand placements, attunement process and session flow. This includes an invitation to sense energy for healing. In the Reiki practice which I teach, the practitioner is encouraged to tune into and develop confidence in their inner wisdom or inner knowing. If the idea of this feels wobbly, we talk about how to build the muscles for developing this. So we learn the foundational teachings and techniques, and honor our guidance as well, leveraging both in the practice. Many practitioners share this philosophy which is most visibly noticeable in their use of different instruments or tools in their Reiki sessions such as sound healing, crystals, tuning forks, Oracle or tarot cards and essential oils. Versions of Reiki such as Angel Reiki, Intuitive Reiki, Psychic Reiki, Karuna Reiki and HolyFire Reiki are evolved versions of Reiki which wouldn’t be around had the Master Teachers not followed their inner wisdom.
There are three levels of Reiki Training. I like to describe the three levels like this:
- Reiki Level One training is an opportunity to learn the Reiki foundations which mainly includes its history, how it works (we’ll cover chakras, auras, meridians), session guidelines, and what happens during an attunement. Reiki Level One is all about developing a relationship with Reiki, feeling it and tuning into it. We could say that we are developing a greater awareness of vibrational highs and lows.
- Reiki Level Two training is a little more ‘technical’ in that it is about learning how to use Reiki symbols in a session. These symbols amplify the Reiki energy for healing and can address emotional issues and additions. Level Two training and attunement enables us to share Reiki at a distance (what I call remote Reiki). This means that the practitioner is in one location and the receiver of Reiki – or the situation or relationship – is in another location. This applies to past, present and future situations or needs without hindrance of time. As examples, if there is an unhealed relationship from the past, the practitioner can use Reiki to heal this for self and others; or for a world situation such as global warming, or in their community for covid.
- In Reiki Master/Teacher training, we learn master symbols which anchors our spiritual beingness and presence of Reiki into our physical form. Reiki’s ability to ‘turn on’ becomes most natural and spontaneous. The use of Master/Teacher and Reiki Level Two symbols boosts Reiki significantly in terms of the felt experience as well as the reported & visible results. The possibilities for their use are endless. Additionally, Reiki Master/Teachers receive the attunement and learn how to teach Reiki and attune others.
What Style of Reiki Do You Teach?
I teach Usui Reiki which has some Tibetan influences and the name of our lineage is ‘Usui Shiki Ryoho’. This is what would be on your certificate of completion. Usui Reiki meaning that the hand placements and the symbols you would learn stem from Dr. Usui, the founder of Usui Reiki and the early Master Teachers influences as well. You will learn more about this in Reiki Level One. This style of Reiki is not religious and does not identify with any religious practices.
What Is A Reiki Attunement?
The attunement enables the practitioner to be a channel for Reiki, this ability is with them forevermore. With each level of Reiki, a practitioner is attuned. In my lineage, the attunement is required to share Reiki and is only provided by a Reiki Master Teacher. In training, we’ll cover more about this.
There are two requirements if you take Level One training with me. First, that you have at least one 60 minute Reiki session prior to the class. It can be an in-person or remote session, from myself or any other practitioner. The importance of this is to experience Reiki first-hand and to be able to feel what may be different or similar after the attunement. These experiences are part of the practice: we are exploring what we notice, the sensations, the inner guidance and what is showing up in our life as a result.
The second requirement is an understanding that you’re making a commitment to 21 consecutive days of self-Reiki. Meaning the practitioner gives him/her/themself a Reiki session everyday during this period. This is an important phase in your Reiki practice. One of detoxification, clearing your vessel on every level to be a channel for Reiki. To truly feel its presence in your daily life and the unfolding that takes place with the release that is occurring on the mind, body and spirit.
There is a continuum which can occur during these 21 days, just as there can be after any Reiki training level of attunement or after a Reiki session. There may be periods of tiredness, having some cold symptoms or other bodily symptoms, aches; on the other end of the continuum high energy, ideas flowing and clarity. These are all normal and the symptoms subside.
It’s not required that you take all levels from me. If you’ve taken Reiki Level One or Two from another Reiki Master Teacher, I do require you to email or text me your certificate in advance of the scheduled class day.
A Reiki Level One certificate of completion is required to attend Reiki Level Two training.
A Reiki Level Two certificate of completion is required to attend Reiki Master/Teacher training.
For Reiki Master/Teacher Training, you will be asked to write the symbols you learned in Reiki Level Two in advance of your class and share how you use the symbols in your current practice. We’ll do this in a video call prior to the scheduled class day.
Classes with me are typically one-on-one, though for those who wish to organize a group of at least 4 students, I am glad to teach a Level One class this way. Especially if the small group all knows each other. I really enjoy having a learning experience where the dialogue can be customized to the student/practitioner. Everyone’s journey to Reiki and reasons/goals for Reiki training are unique and special. A one-on-one class style fosters meaningful dialogue for this while providing a complete learning experience. I’d describe my teaching style as casual and professional, with an emphasis on using language that is easily understandable, relatable and inclusive. Our time together is about creating a safe space to talk about all things Reiki so that you feel and receive support as you begin your Reiki practice.
As you might imagine, there is a combination of seated learning time and time for direct application for yourself and others. Since the training is one-on-one, for in-person classes, hand placements will be practiced on me or yourself. For online classes, handplacements are on yourself and a family member or a teddy bear. For online classes, my husband is on the table for demonstration and teaching. He loves being a part of the class time and he is a Reiki Level One practitioner.
We take breaks as we need to. I provide hardcopy books and supplemental manuals and other resources for reference. The idea is to not overload you with information, knowing that you will absorb and learn everything you need from the day of class. I’ll also be available to you long after class day (see below) for ongoing support.
Online classes are available to everyone, everywhere including student/practitioners outside the US. II do enjoy providing hardcopy materials, though electronic can partially be provided. Trainings are not recorded as in our tradition, some of the content is provided aurally. Online classes are available to everyone, everywhere including student/practitioners outside the US. If there isn’t a class time that is available in your time zone, please email me so we can explore possibilities: I do enjoy providing hardcopy materials, though electronic can partially be provided. Trainings are not recorded as in our tradition, some of the content is provided aurally.
In-person training is available. All classes and sessions are shared from our home in Downtown Denver, Colorado. There is ample free parking.
Reiki Level One classes are available some weekday afternoons, Saturdays and Sundays. Reiki Level Two and Master/Teacher are provided on Saturday and Sunday afternoons only. Generally 12noon – 5pm MST.
Online training for energy work is just as effective as in-person, however everyone learns differently and has different preferences which is why I offer both options. .Whatever feels right for you is the best choice.
Reiki Level One is all about developing your relationship with Reiki. Really settling into the foundations you learn, applying what you’ve learned and notice what you notice in your 21 days of self-Reiki. Reiki Level Two focuses on the symbols, taking your Reiki practice to a more powerful level. Since this work is about tuning into energy, inner wisdom and you are learning new ways of sensing and synthesizing all of this for yourself (and for clients if you choose to share with others), my strong feeling is that a pacing of separating the classes is supportive for the journey. Taking time between the two classes and the two attunements is how I was taught and it is how my Reiki Master Teacher was taught and so on. There are many different ways to learn Reiki. If our lineage approach feels right, you will know. Follow your instincts on what feels right for you.
This is a personal journey and practice. There are many organizations and practitioners who have differing guidelines for timing for moving to the next level of Reiki training. Some teachers require so many hours of sessions or so many months or years prior to moving to the next level. In our lineage, in the way I teach, I will always encourage that we follow your inner wisdom, your inner knowledge for what feels right for you to move to the next level. All practitioners goals for Reiki are different. I invite the conversation with the practitioners who train with me to explore the timing for moving to the next level and, what it means to feel ready. I have outlined the requirements for each level of training with me above. There is no merit in rushing Reiki training because this is the kind of practice that requires ongoing practice which takes time.
It can, however it doesn’t need to. I’ve heard from practitioners who have shared with me that they do both – they’ll have a morning meditation and then give themselves Reiki in the afternoon or evening, as an example. Others have morphed their meditation with their Reiki practice in a unique way which suits them.
Yes you can. You can also begin incorporating Reiki into your other professional work or goals if you feel you’d like to. The way I see it, we live in a time in history where there are new opportunities to explore professions and services to integrate Reiki, thinking about how the practice benefits you and your customers. I’m glad to share with you what I know to support you in your goals. Some more food for thought: many Reiki practitioners – myself included – begin part-time with another gig or two on the side as their Reiki practice builds and they gain more experience.
Definitely! There could be any reasons you wish to taking the class again, and the benefits include reinforcing what you’ve learned, covering what you need refreshing on, receiving new materials as reference, gaining insights for how another teacher shares Reiki/their approach, and having another friend and teacher as a resource in your Reiki practice. Additional attunements with Reiki Master Teachers is way okay. In other words, you can have an attunement for Level One with more than one Master Teacher. This can further deepen the intensity of Reiki and the connection you feel, expanding your practice and possibilities. My Reiki Level One/Two Combined Class is for practitioners who have already taken both classes, received attunements and certificates of completion. These practitioners may wish to have this class as a refresher before taking Reiki Master/Teacher Class.
I’m here to provide support long after your training day and am available to speak by phone, video call, text or email. I love an ongoing relationship with all of my clients/practitioners in their Reiki journey together. I encourage all clients and practitioners to reach out to me anytime for any questions, thoughts, concerns, insights about Reiki they wish to discuss as their practice continues to unfold.
Yes, with an eGiftcard, you can place a value on the card and the recipient can use it to pay for any Reiki services.
Yes, absolutely. Many practioners elect to share Reiki with each other as part of their self-care routine as well as to learn how other practitioners provide Reiki sessions. If you’d like to come for Reiki sessions with me after a training with me or another practitioner, I welcome this always and I love it. Some practitioners who have taken training with me enjoy using part of their session time to discuss or review things from class as well as talk about what they are noticing in their self-practice. Sessions can adjust to be valuable for where you are in your experience. Of course, I’ll always encourage you to continue with your self-Reiki practice long after your 21 days. A daily self-Reiki practice is most beneficial and rewarding. Come experience and see for yourself!

About The Author
Michel Barta is the founder of Peace Bridge Reiki.