Surfing Through Life With Reiki
Michel Barta, Peace Bridge Reiki
Surfing Through Life With Reiki
This is a photo of me from my first surfing lesson a few years ago. My teacher just gave me a little push, to “pop up” on my board and feel the sensation of riding the current. At this moment when the photo was taken, I think I was happy to allow gravity to have its way. I made some kind of a joke that made him laugh too, most likely to help ease my nervousness of learning something new. The water was literally about four feet deep and there were little children playing nearby. It was a gorgeous California day at the beach. This moment on (or off) my surfboard feels like eons ago, though the feelings from the day seem closer.
Often I use the analogy of ‘surfing’ for navigating through life: we ‘surf’ the highs, the lows and the lulls in this big ocean soup we share together called life. The more experiences we have that challenge our perception of safety – our feeling balanced or steady on the board – the more we can build those “surfing muscles” for being able to ride whatever water current or waves life brings us.
Reflecting on my life, for many years it was all about “survival”. I was “in survival mode” from one hardship or another. I had a perception of myself needing to compete, to prove my value, to fight against anything in my way to feeling in control and happy. I had to be better, faster. My lens was tuned to how others were doing so that I could compare myself to them. When I felt like I was out of control or disconnected from my power, I would go for a Reiki session, journal, drink wine, go for a hike, get a massage, vent to a friend or my cousin until I had it all out. Eventually I’d feel reconnected and powerful again, and then go back through the same burnout loop.
The upside of the loop is that each time I learned something new about myself which inspired some kind of change in my life. Sometimes it was a subtle change that happened almost naturally in my environment. Sometimes it was a change that I actively created. Sometimes I’d repeat a loop several times before I realized the toll it was taking and that I had a choice if I wanted to experience something different.
All the adventures were for my right timing and the pacing was necessary for my learning, and for the learning of those involved. Sometimes I burned bridges and hurt others in the process. This was not my intention, but it felt necessary for me to move forward. The changes I experienced might have been seeing my world from a new viewpoint, getting more deeply connected to my spirituality, changing a job, ending a relationship or moving my home. Many times my life felt like two steps forward, four steps back. I’d wonder why I’d invested all that time and energy into something for it to go away.
I’ll bet you can relate to what I am sharing, yes? You’ve had those changes, those loops, those learnings. Or, you are experiencing a loop and desire a change.
One of the most liberating and fulfilling results of my surfing adventures was becoming a Reiki Master Teacher. Through Reiki, I am able to share a practical, useful means for surfing through life with clients, students, friends and family which brings about a sense of well-being, health and healing. Through Reiki sessions clients can drop-in and schedule remote or in-person Reiki. Reiki Memberships are for clients who want a longer term practice of 6 months for deeper work (and enjoy a discounted rate). Reiki training classes satisfies a deeper understanding for self-Reiki and/or share with others. All services are available in-person and remotely, whichever works best for you.
Reiki is also my surfing teacher, having patience and a sense of humor, a friend that is there for me no matter what life brings. I feel safe, supported and connected to unconditional love, the Universe with Reiki.
Musings About Life Inspired By Surfing….
….new experiences can make us feel alive and connected with the world – and how new experiences can make us feel nervous, fearful because of the unknown
….there’s a (bitter)sweetness of surrendering into the gravity of something difficult rather than efforting, pushing, maneuvering – and the courage it takes to surrender
….the invaluableness of having someone there alongside us who can be witness, who might help us steady our surfboard, or give us a gentle push into the water as we learn to balance…that someone unconditionally accepting us no matter if we are balancing with ease on our board, falling off of it, or choosing to use it to take a nap
….the invaluableness of being our own witness through the adventures of life….how no one else has surfed our journey for us, and for this reason only we truly know the depth of the waters and the surfing muscles (or scars) we developed from it
….a picture tells a story which can have a unique and different meaning for the person looking at it…our perspective or lens of the world helps define the world we experience and that this is some of the richness that makes up the big ocean soup of life
It is my heartfelt hope that these reflections inspire your own reflections for the rad, mad surfing skills you’ve honed and are honing in your life journey.

About The Author
Michel Barta is the founder of Peace Bridge Reiki.